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Escom 250 - 5 syringes of 4g Light-curing nano-hybrid composite restorative resin - Spident
: Unavailable
: ESCOM250_5
79,00 € ...
79,00 € Regular price 118,99 €
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EsCom250 System Kit Light-curing Restorative Nano-Hybrid Composite Resin
EsCom250 5
- 5 4g syringes (in shades A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B2)
- 1 bottle of 5ml Esbond adhesive
- 1 syringe of 5ml FineEtch etching gel
- 1 cup
- 1 bit holder
- 30 micro-tip applicators
- 4 etching tips
EsCom250 is a light-cured restorative nano-hybrid composite resin for posterior and anterior restorations. It has a working time of 90 seconds, which gives the dentist enough time to work on it. EsCom250 features high compressive strength and excellent durability.
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Bonjour, très déçu de cette commande. A la place du coffret on m'a envoyé des produits en vrac dont des seringues de composite fluide dont je n'ai pas besoin