PM7 - Zirconia milling - Milling cutters for CAD/CAM machining machines

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: F_PM_ZDLC0553

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PM7, Zirconia milling Cutters compatible with CAD/CAM milling machines Ø1: Head L = Length 1. DC Coating (Diamond Coating) : Composition : This is a pure diamond coating,...
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PM7, Zirconia milling

Cutters compatible with CAD/CAM milling machines

Ø1: Head
L = Length

1. DC Coating (Diamond Coating) :

  • Composition : This is a pure diamond coating, consisting of diamond crystals applied to the surface of the cutter.
  • Durability : DC burs have excellent wear resistance. Diamond is the hardest material known, which allows DC coated burs to retain their sharpness longer when working with hard materials like zirconia.
  • Zirconia Machining : Very effective for machining zirconia due to its high hardness and ability to provide consistent accuracy. They are often preferred for long duration jobs and complex machining.
  • Cost : DC coated burs tend to be more expensive due to the cost of the technology and diamond material.

2. DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) coating :

  • Composition : DLC is a coating that looks like diamond, but is not entirely composed of pure diamond crystals. It is an amorphous carbon with properties similar to diamond.
  • Durability : Less durable than pure DC coating, but still very wear resistant. It provides good performance for machining zirconia, but may not last as long as a bur with a DC coating.
  • Zirconia Milling : DLC offers a good combination of wear resistance and cost, making it a good choice for dental labs looking for a balance between performance and budget. It is hard enough to work on zirconia, but with a slightly lower longevity than DC burs.
  • Cost : DLC coated cutters are often less expensive than DC coated cutters, providing a more economical alternative.

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